July 2022
Response to Ukraine
The MSD Manuals are
available in 12 languages and are now publishing in a thirteenth:
In response to an urgent request
from the MSD Ukraine team to provide clinical information to medical
professionals in their native language, especially professionals caring for
people outside their specialties, The Manuals team launched an
all-hands-on-deck effort to create a partial translation of critical
content in record time. The first Ukrainian language content was released
on April 8, and a dedicated Ukrainian site went live on April 25.
more here.

Mind-Body Connection
In June our social media team
kicked off our Mind-Body Medicine campaign, helping to educate about the
benefits of mind-body medicine as well as providing info on relaxation
techniques, mindfulness, meditation and digital wellbeing. Be sure to check
out the posts!

New Website
The Manuals are always looking
for ways to enhance the quality of our service to users. If you haven’t
visited our website recently, we invite you to check out our latest
feature, auto-scroll. Auto-scroll is a tool that allows the next topic in
the Manual to be automatically loaded so the user can continue to scroll
without the need to think about the next topic or click to move to it.
The new auto-scroll feature will
enhance our users’ experience, helping them to seamlessly locate additional
topics related to their initial search.

Spotlight on Keryn






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